Brooklyn Greenway Initiative (BGI) stands in solidarity with our neighbors in Brooklyn, throughout New York City, and around our country demanding reflection and reform, and the reparations needed to end discrimination in our communities.
BGI’s mission is to build a greener, stronger, more connected city by creating greenways and open spaces with universal access and where everybody feels safe. However, we know this vision is impossible while our Black and Brown community members are continually targeted and oppressed by structural racism and racial violence. BGI has always envisioned and advocated for abundant access to the Greenway for all Brooklyn communities, and we hope that our comprehensive Greenway User Study launching this year will guide our organization to make equity and inclusion central in our work.
As we reflect on our organization’s commitment to anti-racism, we acknowledge the need to make diversity, equity, and inclusion on our staff and Board of Directors a greater priority. BGI is committed to the Greenway as a safe route for everyone and the Naval Cemetery Landscape is an open space that doesn’t tolerate discrimination. BGI recommits to this vision as well as training for our team to ensure continued learning and practice of anti-racism and anti-discrimination in all our work.
We have been moved to act by our neighbors and friends taking to our streets – to do more and do better. There are many vital organizations in Brooklyn working to eliminate racism in policing and our public spaces; we hope you will consider supporting them in this critical moment in our city.
In solidarity,
The BGI Team